Get products back in stock faster and keep them in stock more often.

Industry-leading suppliers and distributors use Jenda to track SKU-level product availability every day from 60,000+ beverage alcohol storefronts across the U.S.

Jenda empowers sales teams to immediately see as any product goes out of stock. Personalized reports for each team member ensure that relevant information can be actioned by the right person to get products back in stock faster.

Jenda’s integrations with suppliers and distributors enable cross-organizational teams to work together effectively and align on unified views of out of stock performance metrics.

Jenda’s platform tracks improvements in aggregate product availability rates across each market and account, so you can measure improvements as products go out of stock less frequently and are restocked more quickly. Stores with recurring out of stock challenges are highlighted for prioritized review.

Jenda’s availability insights make it easy to benchmark your brands against their competitors, assess distributor performance, much more.

Let’s Get Started

Jenda provides measurable results from actionable information. We welcome the opportunity to demonstrate and discuss our platform with you.